Category: Home Building Success

Have Questions? Ask the Builder

There are lots of things homeowners can do to keep their building project running smoothly. Number one is making timely product choices, but another key step is to direct all change requests and questions, no matter how small, to the builder or the builder’s representative (usually the project superintendent). It’s tempting to ask workers to… Read more »

First Impressions

The best builders know that the initial meeting is about earning your trust A big factor in someone’s choice of a builder is their comfort with the first person they meet from the company, whether it’s the owner or a salesperson. Natural rapport is important, but gut feelings also play a role—feelings some homeowners aren’t… Read more »

Change Management

Post-contract changes need not be a problem, but they absolutely need a clear process Professionals who build fantastic homes for satisfied customers share some important traits. One trait is an obsession with details, and another is clearly communicating those details to the homeowners. Great builders are great communicators, and part of being a great communicator… Read more »

How to Use Online Review

Trust? Maybe. Verify? Always. It’s an old story and, unfortunately, still relevant today—in September 2011, Business Week reported on a Texas home improvement contractor who hired a writer to post 200 positive reviews on sites like Yelp and Google. The article went on to cite other examples and estimated the percentage of fake online reviews at… Read more »